Aspie Shutdown and Withdrawal

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    Wondering how to reconnect with your aspie partner?

    Occasional shutdown and emotional withdrawal are common amongst the autistic population, and this can be a big source of stress in relationships. It is incredibly frustrating when your partner goes silent. You need answers, and you can't ask him! What do you do?!

    This guide gives you those answers. You'll get insight into understanding his behaviour and practical strategies of what to do next. A special person has special needs, but if you're here, reading this, that means you already know he's worth holding on to.

    Aspies know the pain of broken relationships all too well. Be the first person to truly understand and create a healthy, fulfilling relationship that meets (both!) your emotional needs.

    More Aspie Relationship Tips: (hit 'yes' in the checkbox above!)

    In my relationship coaching work I help women to understand their aspie partners and create strong, healthy, and importantly - emotionally fulfulling relationships.

    There are some issues that are almost universal in every relationship. I've put together a short email series looking in more detail at answers to common questions such as:

    • Why do aspies sometimes withdraw?
    • Why do common responses not work?
    • Is this relationship right for me?
    • How do I build emotional connection?
    • How do I know if he loves me?
    • And many, many more!

    Simply click 'yes' in the check box above and I'll send you a collection of my key insights into autistic relationships and how to make them work.

    Want Individualised Help?

    1:1 coaching is also available. See website for more details: